Walking through the tractor-trolley township of the farmers movement gives one hope. No matter how deep you walk along the many miles of the township, the spirit, the josh never leaves. Amidst the speeches, the sloganeering, the cooking and consuming of langars, the cleaning of living and walking spaces, the men and women have made this place their homes. Groups sit playing cards and smoking hukkas like they are sitting at their village corners. And everyone here is looking after their corners and looking after one another.
Amidst fighting this battle at many fronts - on marches against
the police and state machinery, on roads here with the elements of the North
Indian winters, of managing the logistics of living on roads and keeping the
josh alive, in meetings with govt – the farmers movement is also giving a
lesson or two to others on two key fronts – fighting misinformation and controlling
narrative - which essentially boils down to handling the lapdog mainstream
media and the Joseph Goebbels of our times ‘the BJP IT Cell.’
And may be the future generations of this country will be
thankful to this movement for ensuring that these vultures were dealt with
These images from Singhu tell a tale of how far the
mainstream media have fallen in the eyes of the common man.
We have seen videos where youngsters are escorting the
reporters from these lapdog organisations out of the protest sites. Independent
media, youtube channels, small media houses are welcomed by farmers with open
arms and given full access with warmth and hospitality. And even with these
smaller organisations the position of movement leaders is that if you want an
official statement of the sanyukt morcha – attend the press conference (the
only place for official statements).
What the BJP IT cell didn’t account for was that not only
the sons and daughters of these farmers, many farmers themselves know how to
handle smart phones and be present on social media. And boy-oh-boy did they
forget about the diaspora and the farming community’s reach all over the world.
#Tractor2Twitter trended with vigor.
And the movement has given a lesson or two to the mouthpiece
celebrities as well. Photos of Kangna with a blackened face are pasted
everywhere. She is used to getting a free pass from most other celebrities in
Bollywood for fear of troll onslaught, but celebrities from Panjab answered her
punch to punch.
Someone has put a message for her on a poster pasted on a
drum. The photo and message explain how after having spent their days in Mir
Manu’s prison grinding fifty kg wheat every day, surviving on one bread and
water and having heads of little children garlanded around their necks, the
women prayed to the almighty for the welfare of all - even their oppressors.
The message tells Kangna that the women in this movement are the daughters of
these women.
As the movement completes three weeks, more and more
citizens (of our country and of the world) are joining it. Hundreds of
independent voices join everyday to help, support and build the narrative and
spread correct information.
A group of volunteers have started TrolleyTimes – a biweekly
in Punjabi and Hindi covering news, statements, stories, images and poetry
related to the movement.
And in an organized effort to counter the BJP IT cell, the
volunteers have now launched an all out social media force under the banner
KisanEktaMorcha. Search for it on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Instagram and
other platforms and join the movement.
Remember – this is not only for the farmers, this one is for
the ages. Come join the movement.
हंगामा खड़ा करना मेरा
मकसद नहीं,
कोशिश है कि ये
सूरत बदलनी चाहिए।
सीने में नहीं तो
तेरे सीने में सही,
हो कहीं भी आग,
लेकिन आग जलनी चाहिए।
PS - Please follow, subscribe, like KisanEktaMorcha pages on all social media platforms. Do double check the official pages before subscribing. Many unofficial pages are using the logo and similar names.
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- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4mGFTV86AR8VeJmusu1QWQ
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Follow on twitter - https://twitter.com/Kisanektamorcha
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